Do you have a superpower? 100% yes! Wait, don't think that I'm crazy, hear me out. I'm not talking about supernatural powers like shooting lasers from your eyes or the ability to fly. I'm talking about your unique strength that sets you apart from others. Surprisingly, the majority of people don't know their superpower and don't even believe they have one. The thing is, if we don't realize we have a superpower, we can't use it effectively or consciously.
But if you know your superpower: - You can clearly articulate what you're good at to other people (e.g., an employer).
- You know what your strongest weapon is (just make sure you don't treat everything as a nail just because you have a hammer).
- You can consciously choose endeavors to participate in, based on whether they require your super skills, leading to greater satisfaction and engagement in work.
- You feel much more confident just because you know for sure that you are great at something.
- You easily accept your weaknesses as well as imperfections in other people because one cannot be good at everything.
It's especially important for a Product Manager (PM) to know their superpower because this role is so broad, and PMs are so different. I have never met two product managers who were alike. We usually are generalists with a vibrant set of skills and often come from varied backgrounds. It's like you are a Swiss army knife, and it's really great to know what makes you stand out - a saw or a pair of cutters.
It also helps to find the right place of work. If your superpower is strategic thinking, then an early-stage startup might not be the best place for you, as what they need is to quickly get a rough MVP done, iterate, and find a market fit ASAP.
Of course, it's only one piece of the puzzle; there's also the question of what you care and passionate about, what is your 'WHY,' but that's a topic for another post. Let's focus on superpowers now.